It seems I have had a lot of benefits to participate in recently... I love the concept of people helping people... community seems a little thin at times for this small town girl... that grew up knowing her neighbors... which was everyone in town... I still remember a time when I could identify everyone in town by their car... or their farm... or their relatives...
I have been thinking a lot lately about my friends... past, present and future. I have an old friend in town right now from Sweden. The first time I heard this s&g song was when he played it for me. When I moved to Las Vegas many many years ago... he gave me a card... and inside was a slip of paper with the lyrics to that song as well. I have been very lucky in my lifetime. I have many good friends. Some I rarely see these days... others I see all the time. I love the way an old friend is like an old record. No matter how much time passes... you can simply sit down with it... and all the old reasons you fell in love to begin with come right back to you.