anyway... it's coming up really fast! she picked up her dress last week and i mailed the invitations for her bridal shower. i couldn't be happier for her. for a million reasons... but the number one reason is... SHE IS HAPPY! really really happy.
jess is getting married out of state and i am trying to earn extra cash to cover my airfare and hotel... when i had this weird realization all of a sudden that i have paintings in spades. i have piles of paintings at work and at home... and so i have decided to hold a sale. a nifty fifty sale. if you have seen one of my paintings at a show or on my website in the past... and maybe it was just a little out of your price range... this could be a great chance to purchase it for a fraction of the cost... every single painting on the nifty fifty page is $50. no matter the size or subject matter.
if there's a piece that you've always been interested in but it's not included in the nifty fifty... please email me... now more than ever i could be in the mood to make a deal :)
as always i still accept trades and barters... so even the other starving artists out there are welcome to shoot me an email... you know who you are...
watch the nifty fifty for updates and additions in the month of March.
i will leave the page up until April 1st... but once something sells it's gone. these are all originals and there are no prints. i have included some of my very favorites!
if you have any questions about the sale... please feel free to email me: [email protected]