the thing is... i was privy to it in many forms... most of them quite developed and or calculated... i have heard and seen more music and showmanship this week than i have in the past year... but this morning i had breakfast with imagination in it's most pure form. his name is phillip... and he is 11 years old... he wore a camera on his hip that he bought with his own money.... he didn't brag or joke or assume... but he proudly shared a stack of 100 photographs he has taken over the last two monthts with me... it didn't take long to notice a few themes in the pictures.... after about 30 i asked him about them.... i wondered if he had a million more that were similar but different... there were many sunsets.... his sister proclaimed ... "mom always says... phillip never misses a sunset" .... i smiled... thinking about how my own mother has said the same of my dad.... and guess what... of me too.