it's kinda funny. I have been thinking a lot lately about interpretation. making a cover song a great precursor to this blog. I like the way things you know can be rearranged. giving them a new meaning all together. I feel like many things I have known... or thought I knew... have taken on new meanings this past year. driving home tonight from work I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I am still learning... about myself and about everything. when I think back I am oft times impressed by my own gusto. I think... who was that brave person... so many years ago... that did those things that I would never brave now.
I am headed back to New Orleans again in a short while... and it can't come too soon...
nola is dirty and kinda gross. people aren't fancy. it's sweaty and a little too real. god! how awesome that is. I love it there. don't trust my words... trust this...
see you soon new Orleans!