i was thinking about that this morning... i woke up very early... and couldn't get back to sleep... so i started sifting through papers... organizing... bits of this and that... i found old photographs, paper samples, coloring books, dried flowers, ticket stubs, paint chips and boxes of photos ripped from this or that magazine filed away for later. i have been doing that forever. for my whole life... long before i ever painted or created anything... something would strike me and i would pin it on the wall or throw it in a drawer for "later"... i think most of us do this to a degree... i think i do it more than average. i think i do it with thoughts too.
someone told me once that he writes because it's like blowing his nose... there are thoughts he just has to clear out and it's the explosive act of getting it out that helps him let go... or move on... or process that moment.
this makes perfect sense to me. i know that feeling well. that burst of understanding once 5 aha moments converge at once...
this morning i felt the creative urge in the first time in months. creativity is a mysterious and beautiful thing. it's interesting how people sometimes feel "like themselves" at certain moments more than others... today i feel more like myself than i have in a very long time. i've missed my art. a lot.
for me collage is my favorite way to explosively create. so that is what i am working on now. a series of 10. i am trying to decide if i will hang these for the art a whirl show at grumpys or if i'll do a local haunt sign series for that show... but either way i am having fun playing with paint and paper again.
i hang another show at the susan hensel gallery on monday. i will post information on that soon.