i drifted back to sleep again this morning and just woke from a dream turned nightmare.
i was in a room with some friends. in particular my friend mac. he was talking about his life and the interesting people and places he has experienced. i was mindlessly cracking my knuckles/pulling on my fingers. i was shocked when i pulled off my right index finger. it didn't bleed. i held it in my hand. i stared at the stump of a finger that was left on my hand and my heart was racing... i said nothing... i walked over to mac and held my hand out for him to see and i still could not speak. he looked at my hand and fainted. then i woke up.
more two bit internet research:
To see your fingers in you dream, symbolizes physical and mental dexterity. They indicate manipulation, action and non-verbal communication. If you dream that your fingers fall off, then it suggests that you are letting a situation dominate you or dictate how you behave. You may be literally losing your grip on life.
Mystical Meaning: It is fortunate to dream of cutting your finger but only so long as it bleeds. And if you dream of having an extra finger you will receive an inheritance.