i AM happy today... the weather has me feeling really alive. i started "spring cleaning" .... it's probably a little optimistic to call it that, but that's how it feels... my apartment was filled with so much sunshine this morning!
this weekend has been really nice. nice seems like such a little word, but it fits perfectly. friday night's art opening was so much fun, great turn out in a really interesting space. I had a lot of fun catching up with an old friend from college, i think the last time i saw her, i was a bridesmaid in her wedding! and finally having time to talk to some new friends. thank you to everyone that made it out... it really means a lot.
i hope to know more about the opening/closing party for the seward show soon!
last night i ran into more old friends, people i haven't seen in years... i used to paint with their 4 year old daughter when they would come over, they said she asked if she could come with to see me :) she's 7 now! 3 years, has it really been 3 years? it seems that if i could pick the overwhelming theme for my weekend... it would be old and new friends coming into my life at the right time. minneapolis is starting to shrink.